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Thru Acceptable Usage Policy


This Acceptable Usage Policy (the "Policy") outlines the acceptable and unacceptable use of Thru's Managed File Transfer platform (the "Service").

The Policy is designed to protect the security, integrity, and reliability of the Service, as well as to ensure compliance with relevant data privacy and security regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA and CCPA.


This Policy applies to all users of the Thru Service, including customers, their employees, and any other individuals or entities accessing the Service.

Acceptable Use

Users of the Thru Service must:

  1. Use the Service only for legitimate business purposes and in accordance with the terms of their service agreement.

  2. Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, including those related to data privacy and security.

  3. Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect any sensitive or personal data processed through the Service.

  4. Maintain the confidentiality of any login credentials and promptly notify Thru of any suspected unauthorized access or security incidents.

  5. Refrain from engaging in any activities that may disrupt, damage, or interfere with the normal operation of the Service.

  6. If the data being stored or transferred is subject to HIPAA or GDPR regulations, enter into a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) or Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with Thru, respectively, prior to using the Service.

Unacceptable Use

Users of the Thru Service must not:

  1. Use the Service for any unlawful, malicious, or discriminatory purposes.

  2. Upload, store, or transmit any content that is illegal, offensive, or in violation of third-party rights.

  3. Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service or any related systems, networks, or data.

  4. Engage in any activities that may compromise the security, availability, or performance of the Service.

  5. Circumvent or attempt to circumvent any security measures or access controls implemented by Thru.


Thru reserves the right to monitor the use of the Service and to take appropriate action, including suspending or terminating user access, in response to any violations of this Policy. Customers are responsible for ensuring that all users within their organization comply with this Policy.

Changes to the Policy

Thru may update this Policy from time to time to reflect changes in the Service, relevant laws and regulations, or best practices. Users are responsible for periodically reviewing the Policy and ensuring their continued compliance.

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