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About SFTPGo

SFTPGo is an open-source SFTP server that supports SFTP, SCP, FTP/S, and WebDAV protocols. Its comprehensive features include:

  • Virtual folders

  • User authentication options

  • Storage backend flexibility

  • Strong focus on security

Thru does not have a direct relationship with SFTPGo. We use the Open Source software unmodified and as is. For more details see SFTPGo Github repository.

Licensing page for SFTPGo version 2.3.1 used by Thru:

Commitment to Open Source

We at Thru recognize the immense value of open-source projects in driving innovation and progress in the tech industry.

If you're a developer or open-source enthusiast, we encourage you to learn more about SFTPGo and consider contributing to this incredible project.

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